Thursday, August 29, 2013

Network Device Organization

Most ISPs provide customers with modem/router combination units these days, but if you find yourself with more than one device, you generally have a mess on your hands.

I have a modem, router, and switch. When these guys hang out together they tend to heat up something fierce. Being a strict administrator, I decided to separate them to stop the shenanigans.
I did this for about $1.00. 


There's a dollar store not far from my house that has a great selection of... well... everything. This includes cheap cooling racks.

> Cooling rack
> Wire cutters, metal file
> Thin hard surface

The Process

Step 1.  Cut a wire for either side of the device you want to secure, being sure to leave a wire in between

Step 2.  Bend  the cut ends up at a 45 degree angle and inwards so that it can apply firm pressure on the device it's holding

Step 3. Use your file to take off any sharp edges that may have been created when you cut the wire.

Step 4. Slide the hard surface under the cut wires and over the uncut ones.

Step 5. Put your devices in the rack and rest easy!

The Product

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